Friday 25 July 2014

Philanthropy has no Boundary

An article ”Old age a boon or curse” in Samaj, (Odia Daily) in last Saturday, reminded me of my visit to a slum last month. Purpose was mainly to interact with the members of Mahila Arogya Samiti (women group) of a slum in Bhubaneswar. It was good to hear about their work, interest and knowledge on many health issues-immunization schedules, ANC, PNC check up, first aid, knowledge and practice on importance of safe water, improved sanitation, hygiene practices etc.

I got introduced with a septuagenarian Sumitra Nayak. A graceful lady carries smile in her face, one can feel the contentment in her. She is basically from northern part of Odisha and migrated long back to Bhubaneswar and has settled down in the same slum.  Her husband died in early days, son got some mental health problem and left home long years back and never returned. Three/ two (don’t remember) daughters all married and settled in other cities. She stays alone and meets her ends with the old age pension and by doing domestic work.

While questioning what satisfies you being in a women group, giving time for others, at times compromising your own work she replied it’s of immense pleasure to help others. I asked can you share one such incidence. She narrated and I was really impressed and inspired. 

“One of the inmates in our slum got Tuberculosis; he stays with his wife and two children. We MAS members took him to Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar. From there they referred him to Chandpur TB Hospital at Jatani (around 30 KM from Bhubaneswar). His wife was not in a position to attend him in hospital for a long uncertain period, as she had to go for work and take care of two children. Principally she cannot afford to lose her earning for two months, so I attended him at Chandpur Hospital in Jatani and with doctor’s advice we came back home after two months.” Finally she told "the couple was in need and I was alone, so thought of giving time for a good cause".

I felt like touching her feet. I gave her a hug and asked to take a snap with her along with the group. I could feel her joy by getting my appreciative embrace and special attention but I was really moved by her act.  I returned office remembering and discussing about her with one of my colleague. In a society where many are not willing to take care of their own people even parents, just look at the old lady when she needs extra care she takes care of others in neighborhood that to attending a TB patient. As all of us know even today people hesitate to mingle with TB patients and even patients do not disclose the disease with a fear of being ostracized.

Truly you make your life graceful, rewarding, and satisfying, it’s all about attitude. Philanthropy is all about attitude and has no limit.

Salute to her and all such poor women working for good cause in their community.

Have a good day!