Monday 19 May 2014

Relevance of the story “Kalia dalana” today

It is nice to find Swayam’s (my son 3+ yrs)interest in stories. Currently he is gripped by a pictorial, coloring story book on Sri Krishna Bala Leela and as a result I got an additional work, to narrate various short stories on Bal Krishna as and when Swayam wishes to hear. He enjoys the little Krishna’s victory over demons and how all celebrate that victory. One of his favorites story these days is the story on Kalia Dalana-Krishna dances on the hood of serpent kaliya. Just putting the story in few lines even if it is known to many of us.

In Yamuna there lived a deadly poisonous serpent called Kalia. He poisoned the whole water of Yamuna. Once seeing his friends missing, Krishna searched and found them lying near the bank of Yamuna. The Blue water of the Yamuna had turned black because of the poison of the snake. The water of the lake was radiating heat due to poison. Birds flying over the river were falling down dead. All plants, birds and trees of that region had perished by the contact of the poisonous air of the lake. Krishna decided to purify the river by getting rid of the black serpent. Krishna, girding up his loins and clapping his biceps with his palms in challenge, plunged into the water from the top of a Kadamba tree. By the vigorous dance of krishna, the umbrella – shaped hoods of the serpent were all bruised. Kalia finally surrendered to Krishna and proceeded to sea to make their abodes.

Story telling is popular in all most all cultural tradition. One primary purpose is to introduce values to children. It is really encouraging when children relate the message of these stories in their life know-how.

Taking back to our ferry trip from Dakhineswar to Belur matha, I dropped the idea of collecting the holi Ganga water for Puja, in fact did not feel like to touch even. On our way, was discussing with hubby on direct disposal of drain water to water bodies, no strict regulation, level of consciousness and insensitivity of people who through anything to water bodies, dying rivers ... Taking the clue from our discussion, many times after listening to the kalia dalana story Swayam says mama like kalia many people made river Ganga dirty. Is not it?

On a serious note I always feel why small but important issues are not taken by government to act on a priority. It is real shame that we are neglecting our natural resources the most in the name of development. The learning of the stories is better essential for adults than children. Wish to witness a time when Kalia will finally surrender and vanish. The water bodies will be rescued for the benefit of all species.

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